Letters-of-Al-Qaida-Members pagg.7 of 14

Views: 614

Date of Translation: 4 Jun 2012
(T.C.: Phone number “8013706”, possibly an Afghani number)
In the name of the merciful Allah
Praise Allah, Peace and prayers on Allah’s Prophet, Muhammed bin Abdullah
To the respectful dear brother Yacob (Jacob)
Allah knows that we love you and respect you. About what I have done these days, it is a big
mistake, I admit, regardless of the reasons. My brother and teacher; I ask Allah, and then you
for forgiveness and pray to Allah to forgive me and lead me to the success. I was troubled,
emotionally, I had a strong argument with one of the brothers and the devil was attacking me to
the point that I thought about quitting the training course to avoid doing something regretful.
Brother Yacob; I trust you and Allah is our witness, do not tell anyone about this. Please forgive
me, please forgive me. I wrote this letter with embarrassment. Thanks to Allah, our situation is
fixed now, and I am better. Abu Yacob, I am ready for whatever you wish, Allah forgive us, and
that is all I have. Peace is with you.
Your brother in Allah,
Best Advice
YOUSSEF al-Tanzani
(T.C. : the contents of this document is written in Swahili language, started with praising Allah)

The Jihad continues to the day of resurrection
In the name of the merciful Allah

Praise Allah, Peace and prayer on the most gracious prophet,
our master, beloved, leader and idol
Muhammad al-Amen al-Mustafa mercy to the worlds, may Allah bless him and his family and friends:
My brothers in Allah, peace upon you,
This is a commandment of Allah from your poor brother Youssef al-Dawseri, it’s a brief commandment
because the few good words
I ask you all, before you the Mujahid Sheikh Abu Abdullah Usama (Osama) Bin Laden and his brother,
the Sheikh, the faithful, the patience in the crisis; Abu Fa’aas the Commandant and the two brothers
Aba Khalid (Seif al-‘Adel) and Aba Miriam (Abd al-Qader al-Ziyat) and all Mujahedin to forgive me if I
offended you whether knowing or not knowing and pray for me that Allah will receive me as a Martyr
not from the failures.
 My advice to you and especially those mentioned above; strong patience at the crisis, and do
not pay attention to the fake world. I swear to Allah, you are the richest people on earth at this
time, stay in this righteous way so you gain the honor of those blessed from Allah…. And
remember, the acts are (evaluated) by the end results. Ask Allah for the courage and strength
and do not be fouled by the propaganda , stay away from the gathering of the unpredictable ,
keep the group prayers (al-Jamaa) and increase the repentance because it’s the key to
everything and do not forget to revenge for me from the Jews and the Crusaders … revenge
…revenge…they killed my fathers- my mothers- my brothers- my sisters- my children- my
uncles in Palestine, Bosnia, Kashmir, Somalia and Kosovo – do not let them sleep or rest.
 Brothers; my family in the country, tell her that I was killed in the name of Allah, so, she rest,
she is free, if she wishes to get marry or not, and follow up with her on the long –run, she
wishes to stay in the country but she has a plan to send the children to Jihad sites when they
are older.
 We ask allah to pay your debts- your brother is in debt to the Sheikh Abu Abdullah Usama
(Osama) Bin Laden for $500.00 US Dollars, I borrowed when my mother was sick, from (the
Neighbors phone #:
73- 01-03
Either one of them
The computer
In Kabul = ALQATO
In Qandahar = ASY1
Somali Cell’s Amir), the brother; Abd al-Wakeel, Allah keeps him safe. (my telephone number in
the country 00-269-73-33-42 (please send the attached letter to my wife)
Peace and Allah’s mercy upon you. (your brother) Abdullah Muhammed Ali Hussein Fadhil alHadhri.
Page 5
In the name of Allah the most merciful and the gracious
Lundi 1
Thank Allah who said: “He who, form within you, created spouses (wives) to live with.”
Prayers and peace upon Allah profit who said:
“Life is full of pleasure but the best of all is a faithful wife.”
TO my wife, my love and my dear, Umm Luqman Halimah the daughter of Bader Al-Din Husain
Fahdil / Allah would protect and take care of her,
Al-Salam Alaykum ……
It came to my knowledge that you wished to meet me before I depart from this life which is
fake and will come to an end no matter what. But the destiny is to meet Allah but we didn’t
meet yet. He(refer to Allah) had chosen me to fight for him and picked me to lead lots of the
believers and to be martyred for him not for the sake of this life or anything else, don’t forget
to thank Allah several times and to know that we will meet in the future at the day of judgment
in heaven, Allah willing. My advice to you is to set prayers for the sake of your sons and their
father (referring to himself) cause you’re a faithful woman for that Allah will listen to your
Every prayer you sat for me Allah answered.
You wished that Allah will end my life as a martyr died for his sake sooner than later and your
wish was granted. My Family (referring to his wife), My precious dear, you’ve the freedom to
get married and it’s your decision, regards to the brothers and sisters tell them that I didn’t die
but I’m a martyr, Allah willing, living with Allah. Regards to my mother in law and the rest of the
family. Take great deal of interest to teach the kids Al-Quran don’t let them attend western
schools. Save this letter for them to read when they grow up. Don’t talk to them but in Arabic.
Inform Asia that I love her so much and to Luqman that I always remembered him.
My wife you’ve been great said me your husband Abu Luqman ( I was satisfied with you living
and will be till the last day) please forgive me if I insulted you at any given day.
My love I love you from all of my heart after Allah and the prophet Muhammad cause you
loved Allah and his prophet Muhammad
Salam Alykum, your husband the martyr Abu Loghman Abdullah Muhammad Ali Husain FAhdl

And all one heart, you will reach your goals with
I urge the brother who is in charge of the finance to give 200 US Dollars and all my money to Usama
Bin Laden, with a request that he will pay a 50 US Dollars in each explosion mission to the executer , he
participated in 4 missions.
The pocket computer to be given to Seif al-Din al-Yameni.
If I am killed, please contact my family and notify them::
My father Baghdad: 00213 6 84 05 93
Neighbors: 00213 6 83 09 67
Rasheed- Muhammed – Amin- Zino
My name is Rasheed Ibn Baghdad


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