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Page 1 of 6 This document is a letter from Usama Bin Laden to the scholars of
Deyubende in Peshawar in Pakistan, this document is six pages.
In the name of God the gracious and merciful
Usama started his letter with a verse from Koran from AL OUMRAN 102 O ye who
believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not Except in a state of Islam And
hold fast, All together, by the rope Which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not
divided among yourselves;
To the Respected Scholars
I am sending these words to your crowded Islamic gathering which people came to, from
very far and different places, expressing that way the unity of Islam which does not
distinguish between nationalities and skin color and does not take in consideration,
borders or barriers, you are gathering now to symbolize a great meaning in this religion,
the meaning of this assembly is to triumph justice and justice allies and this meeting is
coming in a very hard time, it came when every Islamic nation is feeling either stabbed,
hit or shot in its body, this meeting came in time when the Islamic nation has no more
hopes for these official conferences done by the Arab and Islamic countries to make
believe that they are fighting for the religion and its rights, ten years later, and the
Islamic holy places are still under the control of the non believers forces, such as the
Jews and the Crusaders which, will lead the Muslims to understand that the conferences
are useless, these governments are not capable of anything and their presidents cooperate
with the enemy, the first conference that took place in Sharm al Sheikh and was presented
by non believer scholars from the international community and its allies, called for and
condemned the innocent children, the victims and the oppressed and triumphed the
aggressors, this by itself is a very good proof ; that’s why the people of the nations are
looking up on you , waiting for a way out from this confusion . The nation waits for a
clear Fatwa from you and a clear plan to follow so they can lift away this aggression,
imposed on them, the holy places, and their children. Are you willing to participate? O
you Honorable… I am calling up on you in a time that blood and innocent children lives
are permitted…… …and holy places are being aggressed in so many countries under the
new universal regime, under the UN protection which became a clear mean of
implementation of the plans of the universal disbelieve against the Muslims, this
organization that is supervising with a lot of care the extermination of millions of
Muslims and is not shy discussing the human rights.
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Page 3 of 6 The Prophet Mohamed may peace and blessing is up on him.
In the verse that was narrated by AL BOUKHARI: (A women entered heal fire because
of a cat that she tied and didn’t feed her or let her eat from the earth insects until it died)?
That was in a cat, creature of God so how can you imprison Muslim nations and impose
sanctions (economic) until dead? O God I am free from what did those and apologize to
you for those Muslims who are not doing anything to triumph and support their brothers
who are oppressed.
O SCHOLARS OF ISLAM: As deep as those wounds are and as much as these crises
are multiplying, the faith in God is greater and he promise to triumph his religion and
announce that there still a sect from the prophet nation may peace and blessing be up on
him, very clear on the truth, Fighting for it and don’t get harmed by who ever betrayed or
opposes them until comes God’s order and they will stay on it.
So the duty -as you know – is to divide the cause, and the explanation of the cause to
these organized assemblies, that are impatient to learn from you.
-Teach them that there is no dignity of triumph except with the Jihad for the sake of Allah
-Teach them that the Jihad for the sake of Allah does happen only through a jama’a or a
group that listen and obey the one EMIR, that God will unite the nation, so there won’t be
separation, and preserve the entity of the nation so it won’t be torn, like the prophet
Muhamed may peace and blessing be up on him, said in the Hadit Al Harrit Al Asha’ri
god bless him:(I order you with five, God advised me with and they are: the group,
listening, obedience, migration, and the Jihad for the sake of Allah; so in order to keep
the entity of Islam you have to follow these advises) TC: there are more Ahadits about
staying together in the Jama’a and preserving the entity and the religion and who ever
dies with out pledging the allegiance will have a Jahilia dead (before Islam) Teach them
that there is no Islam without a group, and no group but with an Emara (leadership) and
no leadership without listening and obedience. And you know that God send to this
Islamic nation in these very hard days, the establishment of an Islamic nation that will
follow the Chair’s of Allah, and will hold the taw hid flag , and it is in the Islamic
Afghanistan with the leadership of Mula Omar God bless him. Your duty is to invite
people to stay in this Emara and triumph it with most expensive (lives and money) and
stand up with this nation to confront this deadly currant of universal disbelievers.
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To accomplish that we hope that you include the advises of the conference,
-The invitation to triumph the Islamic leadership (Emara) in Afghanistan with all the
Your life; and that by encouraging the youth, to join the Jihad and preparation in
Afghanistan because the Jihad in such conditions right now is a must and a duty for the
With money and that by inviting the rich to spend their fortunes on this Emara and give
their charities to it and invest their commerce in it.
To spread the word by implementing the Fatawa in the Sharia’a in this Emara and the
must to triumph it.
In this occasion, I would like to let you know that some of the Arab peninsula scholars,
and others starting with the sheikh HAMUD BIN AKLA AL SHABI, he advised the
Charia’a of that Emara and the duty to triumph it and insisted that it was the only nation
that follows God’s Charia’a (legislations) right now, going by the Charia’a texts that are
so many .
TC: two Hadits to implement that.
Because of these religious texts and others I insist that you pledge the allegiant to AL
Mula omar after doing my self and I hope that is truthful for God’s sake because he is
your brother that follows and leads according to the Charia’a of God.
O Honorable:
The nation is waiting from you what God advised us hold on to the truth and not to be
afraid like God said Koranic verse (Al ahzab)( It is the practice of those)
Who preach the message of Allah, and fear him, and fear none but Allah. And enough is
Allah to call (men) to account.)
And God said 🙁 And remember. Allah took a covenant from the people of the book, to
make it known
And in the end accept from us our thanks and prayer to stay on this path.
And we hope that God will make us with you from who he mentioned.
Koranic verse (O ye who believe!
If any from among you
Turn back from his faith
Soon will Allah Produce?
A people whom he will love
As they will love him,-
Lowly with the Believers,
Mighty against the rejecters,
Fighting in the way of Allah,
And never afraid
Of the reproaches
Of such as find fault,
That is the Grace of Allah,
Which he will bestow On whom he pleaseth. And Allah encompasseth all. And he
knoweth all things.


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