Letter-Regarding-Al-Qaida-Strategy pagg. 5 of 27

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…Except that I would like to point out how important it is for
us to keep in mind the views of the Muslim Ummah (TN: Muslim
population) on getting involved in a comprehensive war against
the enemy. The Ummah is fighting an internal enemy, which are
the leaders of the Arab World. The Ummah is also fighting an
external enemy, which is America. Although the former is far
more blasphemous, the latter is clearly the unbeliever.
At this stage of our war with our enemies, America poses a
greater threat to the Ummah than any other enemy.
America is the head of the infidels. If God wills it, America’s
head can be cut off. Once the head has been removed, then it
would be easier to cut off America’s wings. This is exactly what
Omar, may God be pleased with him, said about the Persians.
When the Muslims were at war with the Persians, Omar consulted
with Hurmazan, who was supposedly the expert on Persian affairs.
Omar asked Hurmazan about the best way to attack Persia.
Hurmazan replied, “Persia’s power today can be described as a
power with a body, head, and wings.” Omar asked, “Where was the
head?” Hurmazan replied, “Nahavund.” Hurmazan also told Omar
about the two powers which represented the wings. Hurmazan then
told Omar, “Oh, Emir of all believers, I have the answer to your
question on how to defeat Persia: Cut off the wings, then the
head becomes easier to remove.” Omar immediately replied, “You
tell a lie! You are the enemy of God. I must cut off the head,
first, then the wings will be easier to remove.”
I have come up with my own scenario on the situation. I have
probably mentioned this before. The enemy can also be described
as a wicked tree. The trunk of that tree is 50cm wide. The tree
has many branches, which vary in length and size.
The trunk of the tree represents America. The branches of the
tree represent countries, like NATO members, and countries in
the Arab World. We, on the other hand, represent a person who
wants to cut down that tree. Our abilities and resources,
however, are limited, thus we cannot do the job quickly enough.
The only option we are left with is to slowly cut that tree down
by using a saw. Our intention is to saw the trunk of that tree,
and never to stop until that tree falls down.
Assume that we have cut up 30cm of the trunk of that tree. We,
then, see an opportunity to use our saw to cut into one of the
branches. Say a branch that represents the United Kingdom. We
should ignore that opportunity, and to go back to sawing the
trunk of the tree.
If we are to allow ourselves to be distracted by sawing this or
that branch, we could never finish the job at hand. We will also
lose momentum and, most importantly, waste our jihad efforts.
We want to saw the trunk until the wicked tree is down. God
willing, once the tree is down, its branches will die thereof.
You saw what happened to the Russians in Afghanistan, when the
Mujahidin focused on sawing the trunk of their wicked tree.
Their tree fell down, then its branches died out, from South
Yemen to Eastern Europe. Mind you, the Mujahidin had done very
little to help kill those branches.
We must then aim every bow and arrow and every landmine at the
Americans. Only the Americans, but no one else, be it NATO
members, or other countries.
Assume that we are on an ambush mission between Qandahar and
Helmand, and we have just spotted enemy forces. The enemy forces
consisted of three separate convoys. One convoy belonged to the
Americans. One convoy belonged to the Afghan army. One convoy
belonged to a NATO-member. Also, assume that the Afghan and the
NATO-member convoys carried far more troops than the American
What should we do? The rule is that we must only attack the
American convoy, but no one else.
Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Not to state the
obvious, if the Mujahidin knows that a non-American force was on
its way to attack their positions, and that force was not on a
regular patrol mission, the Mujahidin must intercept it.
Accordingly, the Mujahidin in every country will use force
against the local authorities only if they come under direct
attack. The Mujahidin need to preserve their strength, so they
could use it in their fundamental mission. That is to attack
Americans and their interests.
One must leave room for the possibility that Americans, or their
interests, may not be present in some countries or regions.
Also, when Americans exist in fewer numbers in a given country,
they tend to be under heavy protection. So each country or
region has its own variables as far as targeting Americans
and/or their interests.
When Americans or their interests are not found in a given
country, the Mujahidin group in that country must look for
American targets in neighboring countries or regions. The
Mujahidin group in that country should not opt to attack NATO
members and/or NATO interests, because they happen to be
vulnerable targets in their country.
Also, to avoid targeting conflicts between the al-Qaida
branches, each Mujahidin group must be certain that it is the
only al-Qaida group operating in a country where it intends to
target Americans.
You may find it suitable to target Americans in South Africa,
because it is located outside the Islamic Maghreb. Also, South
Africa is not covered by the brothers who are located outside
that region. The same can be said about other African countries.
The Muslim land has been spoiled by America’s hegemony, and the
leaders who rule that land. The leaders of that Muslim land had
totally given in to America’s hegemony, in exchange for favors
which only serve their interests. Those are the same leaders who
also abandoned the Law of Islam.
The road is open for us to resurrect the religion, and to
restore dignity to the Muslim people. To restore dignity to the
Muslim people, the Muslim land must break away from that
American hegemony.
It is that same hegemony which had forbidden any government in
its sphere to rule with God’s law.
To break away from America’s hegemony, we need to involve
America in a war of attrition. The war must be enduring,
however. The goal is to weaken America until it can no longer
interfere in Muslims affairs.
Once the American enemy has been defeated, our next step would
be targeting the region’s leaders who had been the pillars of
support for that American hegemony. These are the same leaders
who not only abandoned the Islamic Law, but also helped America
extend its hegemony all over the Muslim land.
Once those leaders have been defeated, God willing our next step
will be building our Muslim state.
Going back to the earlier question about fighting the apostates.
I say: You know that throughout history, many resistance
movements in the Muslim world had fought and won against many
foreign enemies. The last of those fights was in Afghanistan.
The reason the resistance movement in Afghanistan had won was
because it had the support from the Afghan public. The Afghan
public was highly charged, and it supported the mujahidin with
every possible means, to expel the Russian infidels who had
occupied Afghanistan.
The public support to any resistance movement is extremely
vital. A resistance movement cannot last without the support of
the public, just like a fish cannot live without water. Also,
when the movement’s public support is diminished, the standing
of that movement is diminished, too.
Most people in Gaza rallied behind the Islamic resistance
banner, because they had a common foreign enemy. Although at the
time, the Gazans had known little about the shortcomings of
their leaders.
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In Iraq, the enemy entered the country and then occupied it. The
enemy, however, made a very big mistake when it ignored the
Iraqi tribes. The enemy was also ignorant about the region and
its people.
The enemy, in one way or another, had stirred up the Iraqi
tribes, which led them to declare unification. As a result of
that unification, the Iraqi public became united against a
common enemy. Then, the Iraqi public became supportive of the
Mujahidin, who were also fighting that same enemy. The Iraqi
public had sacrificed tens of thousands of men who fought side
by side with the Mujahidin. (Translator note: Here, the author
is making reference to the Sunni tribes and Sunni public.)
The Mujahidin made a few mistakes in Iraq. The mistakes were
committed because of hasty and poor decisions by some of the
brothers. Those mistakes involved a number of military
operations. If the Mujahidin had closely examined those military
operations beforehand, the situation would have been better.
Those who were in charge of those military operations had
totally ignored anticipating the benefits or drawbacks those
operations might generate.
The biggest mistake was made when the Mujahidin targeted and
then killed members of the Anbar tribes near a police
recruitment station. The Mujahidin could have easily chosen not
to carry out that operation. The Mujahidin were not under direct
attack by those members of the Anbar tribes. Also, the members
of the Anbar tribes were not on their way to attack the
Mujahidin in their hideouts. That attack had caused the tribes
to withdraw their support for the Mujahidin. The attack also
stirred up very bad feelings.
As you know, a killing of a tribesman is taken very seriously by
any tribe and it often becomes a leading cause for all sorts of
vengeful wars.
Imagine the general Iraqi political climate at the time. Also,
imagine what was the tribes’ reaction when they first heard
about the Mujahidin killing hundreds of their tribesmen.
It is extremely important to pay close attention to timing.
Timing is everything. This saying has been proven to be true now
and then.
We must fully understand that now is the time to begin the work
toward building our Muslim state. To do that, we first need to
tackle the guardian of the universal hypocrisy, America. We need
to deplete America of its power.
The body of the international hypocrisy has always been highly
unreceptive to the creation of any Muslim state, and no matter
how small or big that sate was. There are many examples which
can attest to that.
When Shaykh Khitabi created a Muslim state in Morocco, the
crusaders quickly reacted, then reorganized their forces and
besieged that state. The Khitabi state was defeated soon after
that siege. That took place well before the crusaders had a
foothold in the Muslim world.
Despite our deep disagreement with the Algerian Salvation Front
(FIS), to make a point, the Front was also harmed by that body
of universal hypocrisy. When the Front overwhelmingly won the
first round of elections in Algeria, which meant that it was
going to win the general elections, the top French officials
drafted a plan to move in against the Front, if the Algerian
government wished it to. The United Kingdom and all of Europe
were standing by to help the Algerian government defeat the
Front and, if necessary, by force.


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