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Document Number: ISGQ-2003-00032998
Full Translation of Pages 2-75
Page 2
In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Command of the 4th Corps
(General Staff)
Ref: 26/ 8/ 1946
Date: 13 November 1999
To: the General Military Intelligence Directorate (Sect. 31, Sect. 35)
Subject: Information
We obtained the following information from our source # (535):
1. A group of Iranian agents entered Iraq through the unpaved road (2) Km north of the
Dwayrij River. They proceeded towards Al-Mishawah area with the intention of
conducting ambushes near the road between Al-Shayib and Itayb areas. The group
includes the agent Husayn Abu-Sajad who lives in Iran.
2. The agents listed below reside along the southern riverbank of the Al-‘Iz River in
Sulaf Al-Furayjat:
A. Subayh Dakhil Al-Bazuni B. Abu-Muntazir Al-Shaghabani
C. Abu-Majid Al-Fartusi D. Muhammad ‘Awdah Al-Sa’idi
E. Falih Maridi Al-Farraji F. ‘Awdah Muhammad Salman Al-Sa’idi
The abovementioned agents reopened the water canal # (2) after the engineers of the
land reclamation closed it.
3. On 11 November 1999, a group of Iranian agents entered Iraq; their number is
estimated at (7) individuals. They are from Al-Abyad area inside the Iranian borders;
they entered Abu-Zakir area then Al-Zajiyyah, and are armed with different types of
weapons. They met the agent Salim Jakhiur Al-Nawfali and the agent Rawsah AlNawfali, both from Al-Zajiyyah area, to help them in entering the Western Ahwaz
area in order to investigate the situation of the area.
4. On 10 November 1999, the two agents Jasim Kabbashi Al-Haliji and Mazhar Yasin
Al-Shaghabani entered Iraq from Iran. They entered by way of Al-Wazirah road in
Al-Sardahiyyah area towards Al-Najiradah Village. They crossed Al-‘Iz River and
settled in Al-bu-Bakhit Village. The Iranian intelligence sent these two agents to
collect detailed information about the plans of the Mujahidi Khaliq headquarters in
the sectors of the 3rd and 4th Corps.
Page 3
5. Recently, the agents started training their affiliates on different weapons and on
conducting suicide attacks against the state security and party headquarters. It is
probable that these groups will settle in areas near ‘Amarah/ Basrah Main Road to
conduct suicide attacks against the Mujahidi Khaliq vehicles and headquarters.
6. Two agents’ s each with (5-6) individuals, by way of Al-Khabitah area in AlHawayzah area in Um-Al-Ni’aj Lake, the boats enter the area between the 18th
Infantry Brigade and the 2nd Corps, where (4) individuals landed to deliver mail in the
Karishah area, they settled in the houses of the following agents:
A. ‘Abd Al-Rida Ma’lah/ Resides in Karishah area
B. Sami Al-Salihawi/ Resides in Karishah area
C. Said ‘Ali Musa/ Resides in Karishah area
D. The head of the group is the agent Abu-Liqa’ Al-Fartusi and the agent Khalid
‘Abdallah Al-Farraji
Please review, with respect
Div. 7
Staff Brigadier General Archive the information
On behalf of/ Commander of the 4th Corps 23 November
Staff Colonel
13 November 1999
Page 4
M5/ 7 November
Archived/ 9 November
Page 5
General Military Intelligence Directorate/ M5
Page 6
Top Secret
B. Reaction of Our Troops:
We informed the National Inspection team
C. Procedures of the Inspection Team:
They registered the information
3. Border Troops Command:
A. Iranian Violations:
First: 32nd Corps:
1) The Baldaruz/ Mandali/ Zirbatyah Map (1/100000)
At 0700 hrs on 13 Sept, the enemy established a location near the border pillar at grid
(010900) about (200 meters) from the locations of the 3rd Platoon, 1st Company of the 510th
2) In reference to our Top-Secret letter # 2191, on 13 Sept 1990, clause (4) paragraph (3), at
0900 hrs, on 13 Sept, we reinforced the detachment with (10) soldiers and one officer.
3) At 1430 hrs on 13 Sept, (2) enemy soldiers were at the (Rabaya Hizam) Observation Post
at grid (649269) with a detachment from the 9th Platoon, 3rd Company, 2nd Brigade.
Second: the 41st Corps:
At 0900 hrs on 14 Sept 1990, the flood water levels reached:
1) From grid (838320) to grid (760320): between 0-48 Cm
2) From grid (9069) to grid (9010): between 0-55 Cm
B. Reaction of Our Troops:
We informed the National Inspection team
Top Secret
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Top Secret
C. Procedures of the Inspection Team:
They registered the information
Staff General
Ni’mah Faris Husayn
Chief of the Coordination for UN Inspectors Committee
14 September 1990
Brigadier General
Firas Yusif ‘Abdallah
A copy to:
Armed Forces General Command
Ministry of Foreign Affairs/ International Organizations Department please review
Ministry of Culture and Information (Minister’s Office)
Office of the Army Chief of Staff
Operations’ Department
General Military Intelligence Directorate
Military Movements Directorate
Planning Directorate

Top Secret
Page 8
Secret and Immediate
Time and Date of Issuance
10 October
From: Intelligence of the 7th Infantry Brigade
To: Intelligence of the of 3rd Corps Command
Ref: Intelligence/ 509: An intelligence brief as of 1300 hrs on 10 October 1988:
1. Vehicles’ Movement: vehicles observed in front of the brigade’s sector: (41) vehicles:
Between 1330-1920 hrs, (17) vehicles were observed including:
(1) Water tanker vehicle from Mahran to the camp, (1) Zil and (1) Jeep vehicle from Sad
Kanjan to Rida Abad, (1) dump truck vehicle from Rida Abad to Sad Kanjan, (1) Eva and
(2) Jeep vehicles from Rida Bad to Sahi, (1) Pick-up vehicle from the camp to Mahran, (1)
Eva vehicle from Mahran to Rida Abad. Moreover, (1) Ambulance, (1) Land Rover and
(1) Sedan vehicle from Rida Abad to Mahran, (1) Transportation vehicle, (1) Water tanker
vehicle and (1) Kaz vehicle from Mahran to Husayn, (1) Pick-up vehicle and (1) Dump
truck vehicle from Mahran to Mansur Abad. Between 0815-1120 hrs, the movement of
(24) vehicles was observed including, (1) Pick-up vehicle from Mahran to Rida Abad, (1)
Jeep, (1) Dump truck vehicle, (1) Eva vehicle, (1) Water tanker vehicle and (1) Motorbike
from Rida Abad to Mahran. In addition, (1) Jeep, (1) Pick-up vehicle from Mahran to the
Camp. Besides, (2) Dump truck vehicles and (1) Zil vehicle from Rida Abad to Husayn
Abad, (1) Water tank vehicle from Sad Kanjan to Malik Shahi, (1) Pick-up vehicle and (1)
Bus from Mahran to Hurmuz Abad. Moreover, (1) Jeep vehicle and (1) Pick-up vehicles
from Malik Shahi to Mahran, (3) Pick-up, (2) Jeep and (1) Ambulance vehicles from
Mansur Abad to Mahran, (1) Eva vehicle from Husayn Abad to Mahran, (1) Eva vehicle
from Husayn Abad to Rida Abad, (1) Toyota Pick-up vehicle from Husayn Abad to
2. General Comment: A. Enemy’s Activities: normal
Staff Brigadier General (Special Forces)
Commander of the 7th Infantry Brigade
Secret and Immediate
Page 9
In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
4th Corps Command
(General Staff)
Ref: 26/ 8/ 1977
Date: 26 November 1999
To: Intelligence of the 19th Corps Command
Sub: Agents entering into the Al-Sardahiyyah area
1. We received information from the Southern Zone Command, from the General
Military Intelligence Directorate and from our sources that agents and smugglers are
entering into the Eastern Ahwar area to the Western Ahwar area through AlSardahiyyah area between our Corps and the 3rd Corps.
2. We informed you previously about the agents and smugglers entering through the
aforementioned area according to our below listed letters and messages, in addition,
we requested to prepare ambushes and patrols to curtail these incidents in the area:
A. Our Secret letter # 1738 dated 12 September 1999
B. Our Secret and Personal letter # 1295 dated 6 October 1999
C. Our Secret and Immediate letter # 6812 dated 7 November 1999
D. Our Secret letter and Immediate # 6478 dated 10 November 1999
E. Our Secret letter # 1938 dated 11 November 1999
F. Our Top-Secret letter # 1945 dated 13 November 1999
G. Our Secret and Immediate letter # 6937 dated 18 November 1999
3. We obtained information that the forces sent to the area were ineffective in
minimizing the activities in the mentioned area.
4. In order to minimize the activities in Al-Sardahiyyah area, occurring between our
Corps and the 3rd Corps, orders were issued for your Corps to carryout the following:
Top Secret
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Top Secret
A. The 2nd Intelligence Officer of your Corps is to conduct surveillance in the AlSardahiyyah area to specify the locations from where the agents are entering into the
mentioned area and to determine the best locations to set up ambushes, preventing
such activities in and out of our national land.
B. Coordinating with the 3rd Corps units, regarding the suitable locations for placing
ambushes to attack and destroy the agents.
C. Coordinating with the party organizations in Al-‘Aziz area in order to minimize the
activities in the area
D. Utilizing the Secret Service agents and collaborators in the area in determining the
routes used by agents and smugglers to set up ambushes on these roads.
E. The intelligence officers in the units are to directly supervision the ambush patrols,
brief the ambush patrols on their duties before they go out and to debrief the ambush
members when they return.
F. Using Rasit devices to monitor the agents’ movements in determining their locations
to destroy and prevent any future incidents of this nature.
G. The ambush patrols should not be less than (15) fighters and (2) officers, equipped
with a communication device to contact their unit’s headquarters for support in case of
Please take the necessary actions and inform us about your procedures regarding this issue.
Staff General
Hashim Ahmad ‘Ulwan
4th Corps Commander
Staff Major General
Muhammad Ibrahim Al-‘Ayyash
26 November 1999
A copy to:
Command of the 3rd Corps (Intelligence), please review and inform your units located in the
area of our Corps.
General Military Intelligence Directorate/ (Sect. 35), please review
Maysan Governorate Security Committee/ please review and inform the Security Committee
to coordinate with the 14th Infantry Corps about the abovementioned issue.
Top Secret
Page 11
16 December 1999/ 1852 hrs
Secret and Immediate/ 16 December 1999
From: Intelligence System of the Southern Zone
To: the General Military Intelligence Directorate/ Sect. 35
Ref: 1/ 1/ 7906:
Regarding your Secret letter # 12205, dated 27 November, we confirm the information
mentioned in your letter. On 26 November, the agent Abu-Hasan Na’imah was arrested and
sent to Dhi-Qar Security Directorate. Salah and Falah, the brothers of the agent Sabih
Muhsin Khalaf, were killed. A year ago, the mentioned agent left for Al-Muthanna
Governorate, Al-Ramithah District. We could not determine the location of the agent Jawad
Kazim ‘Abbas, because he proceeded to an unknown location due to a dispute between him
and his brothers, wherein he killed one of his brothers and bad injured the other, at present,
Al-Fuhud Party Section Command is tracking him. Please review.
The names were archived.
Page 12
In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Republic of Iraq
Presidency of the Republic
General Military Intelligence Directorate
Ref: M7/ Sect. 35/ Div. 7
Date: 28 November 1999
To: the General Security Directorate
Subject: Information
We obtained information from a source that a group of armed agents frequent Al-‘Amarah
Village, wherein they commit crimes against the people of the village, moreover, they attack
the innocent people in the neighboring villages. These individuals were previously sentenced
to life imprisonment but Al-Fuhud Police Station did not arrest them because they have
relatives in the mentioned police station. From these individuals, we know:
1. Agent Badri Thijil Wahab
2. Agent Hammadi Kazim Fayyad
3. Agent Subayh Muhsin Khalaf
4. Agent Fayiz Husayn Ni’mah
Please review, with respect.
Staff Major General
On behalf of the Director of the General Military Intelligence Directorate
27 November 1999
Review the names and inform me
Top Secret


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