Intelligence Source Reference

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The American Department of State
The Congress Library of USA, Washington d.C.
The White House, Office of the Press Secretary
United States Institute of Peace Washington d.C.
New York Tolerance Center by Rabbi Abraham Cooper
Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK
Institute of Justice & International Studies Department of Criminal Justice
University of Central Missouri Warrensburg, USA
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
FBI, Homeland Security Agency, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, Virginia, USA
National Security Agency and Head of Cyber Command Fort George G.Meade, Maryland, USA
Department of Communication, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel Social Sciences NYU Shanghai
GTD, Global Terrorism Database
START National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, Center of Excellence of Maryland
Gabriel Weimann, Department of Communication, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel Social Sciences NYU Shanghai
Simon Wiesenthal Center for Tolerance, Jerusalem
The Brookings Institution, The Center for Middle East Policy,
Washington d.C.

Combating Terrorism Center, West Point Academy, N.Y.USA
The Quilliam Foundation, London U.K.
Europol Center for Counterterrorism, Bruxelles
The Netherlands Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism
Department of Criminology, University of Malta, Msida, MSD
Ministero degli Interni della Repubblica Italiana
DIS, Dipartimento Informazioni e Sicurezza della Repubblica Italiana


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