الرحيم الرحمن ﷲ بسم Jamaat Nusrat Al-Islam Wall Muslimeen Az_Zallaqa Media Foundation Presents Statement # 89

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Jamaat Nusrat Al-Islam Wall Muslimeen
#Az_Zallaqa Media Foundation
Presents Statement # 89
|| #AlQuds_Will_Never_Be_Judaized ||
The Aguelhok Battle… Standing in the Face of
Normalization Process
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
{O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as
friends, they are but friends of each other. And if any amongst you
takes them, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not
those people who are the wrong-doers} [Al-Maida 51]
Peace and prayers be upon who was sent with the truth to the
Worlds, who said: {You would tread the same path as was trodden
by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that
if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow
them in this also. We said: Allah’s Messenger, do you mean Jews
and Christians? He said: Who else?} [Agreed upon].
And henceforth:
It it no secret to anyone the waves of Arabs and non-Arabs that
make pilgrimage to the Jewish state, within the context of
arrangements for the deal of the century, which the arrogant,
reckless “Trump” imposed on the Muslim peoples.
These rulers not only defied the sentiments of their people, but
they rushed to the procession of normalization led by the butcher
of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries, “Muhammad bin
Salman,” and the Karmathian “Muhammad bin Zayed” with the
Jewish occupier. And at the head of these corrupt tyrannical rulers
is the war criminal “Idriss Deby,” who raced to visit Israel, following
in the footsteps of the perished Sadat, who had set the precedent
decades before!! It is a flagrant defiance of the sentiments of
millions of Muslims in Chad, who have become stricken under
poverty and hunger, despite the substantial wealth of their land!!
The purpose behind Deby’s visit to “Netanyahu” was attempting to
save his rulership and obtain an economic lifeline from the Jews,
to escape the manifestations of popular anger in Chad, which is
increasing day after day. It appeared most recently in the
demonstrations that erupted in various areas of Chad due to the
institutionalized impoverishment and stagnation, which itself is a
byproduct of absolution subservience to France, the occupier of
yesterday, and enabling it the wealth of the country at a cheap
price, and growing today for the Jewish occupier, from which our
people in Palestine suffer anguish.
But Deby’s visit to Israel would not pass without a proper
response from the Mujahideen in the Islamic Maghreb. The first of
the responses came today, concurrent with the visit of
“Netanyahu” to N’djamena. After careful planning, your brothers in
Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen attacked a camp of Chad
forces in Aguelhok city, which is part of Kidal province, during
which they were able to seize control over the security gates of the
city, and sweep the camp of these forces from various directions. It
resulted in the death and injury of more than 30 Chadian apostate
soldiers, with most of the injuries severe and critical, and all praise
and thanks is due to Allah.
At the same time that the President of Chad – the protector of the
Jew and Christians – Idriss Deby received the head of government
of the Jewish quasi-state, Netanyahu, in the capital, N’djamena,
his soldiers were receiving bullets from the Mujahideen of “Jama’at
Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen” in Azawad, to make them suffer
deaths and injuries. And while the government of Chad has
resumed its diplomatic relations with Israel, the Mujahideen have
made efforts to severe that government’s relationship with Beit al-
Maqdis, the landing place of our Prophet (PBUH). They fight in the
Cause of Allah from the desert of the Islamic Maghreb to the
summits of the Hindu Kush, and their eyes are upon Beit al-
Maqdis, with hearts burning in longing for the day when they make
the Jews pay dearly with the strength of their arrows and drink
from the bitterness of their cups.
This attack comes in response to the guidelines of the Command
of Jama’at Qaedat al-Jihad, led by Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri (may
Allah preserve him), to thwart the normalization schemes woven by
the Zionist Arabs and non-Arabs. It is also a clear response from
the Mujahideen in the Islamic Maghreb, to demonstrate their
rejection of and their standing in the face of the normalization
campaigns with the criminal Jewish entity, and that they will spare
no effort to foil the plots of America, France, and Israel to infiltrate
Africa, and that they will cheapen their lives and blood in the
Cause of Allah.
Here we send a message to all the honorable and free people in
Chad. We call on them to stand as an impervious dam against the
crime committed by the tyrant “Idriss Deby” and his attempt to
normalize relations with the Jews. We also call in general on the
Chadian Muslim people who are dedicated to their religion and al-
Aqsa Mosque, the landing place of our Prophet (PBUH), to reject
this normalization and to topple this criminal who has betrayed his
religion, his Ummah, and his people.
Finally, we direct a message to our people in the environs of Beit
al-Maqdis, the landing place of our Prophet (PBUH). We tell them
that we are fighting in the desert of the Islamic Maghreb and its
mountains, and our hearts are devoted in prayer for you. And we
say to you what Sheikh Usama bin Laden (may Allah accept him
among the martyrs) said: the blood of our children is the blood of
our children, and your blood is our blood. So, blood for blood, and
destruction for destruction. May Allah the Almighty bear witness
that we will not let you down until we achieve victory or we taste
what Hamza bin Abdul Mutallib (may Allah be pleased with him)
PBUH said: {The Last Hour will not come until the Muslims fight
against the Jews, until a Jew will hide himself behind a stone or a
tree, and the stone or the tree will say: ‘O Muslim, there is a Jew
behind me. Come and kill him,’ but Al-Gharqad tree will not say so,
for it is the tree of the Jews.} [Narrated by Muslim]
Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen
14th of Jumada al-Ula 1440 Hijra \ 20th of January 2019

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